Helping to reduce errors on key customer accountsMetal Fabrication Company


A metal fabricator had been losing money on some important jobs with key customers. When 3 large jobs were concurrently going wrong in different ways, they called Effective Learning for Growth.


Effective Learning for Growth

• Interviewed those involved, from estimation through engineering through shop to shipping, to find root causes.

• Facilitated 2 meetings to feed back and gain agreement on the causes – and modeled non‐blaming communication.

• Built a detailed process map with XSOL software – with job performance aids and decision rules – as a product of that real‐time consensus.


We delivered the detailed process map as an HTML web page for implementation as an icon on every desktop.

follow up

The CEO said, one year later, “We haven’t lost money on any major jobs since then.”

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Steve Callender is a personal trainer for emotional intelligence. He understands the things that make people good in this area, and the things that hold people back. Every client, every person is different and unique, and Steve works with where you are now and what you want to be different. Having helped so many different people, his experience makes him that much better able to work with you to offer ways to see and get past whatever it is that is giving you trouble, personally. Highly, highly recommended.

Steve Semler
HR Leader & Author, LearningSim

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