With People, we provide coaching, training, evaluation, even performance management systems. The common intent with all we do with people is to improve their productivity by making sure they are happy with their peers and seniors, and most of all, with the work that they do.

With Planning, everything starts with a good strategy. Without a viable, meaningful plan, organizations wander, reactivity sets in, morale sinks. We help organizations develop, revise, and communicate strategy – so everyone’s pulling in the same direction.

Rapid Process is a unique sort of help. Unlike larger consultancies’ process work, Rapid Process is fast, easy, and clear! We help organizations build or revise their processes in a way that everybody involved sees it, understands it, and gets engaged in its success.

Having worked with well over 100 coaching clients, we are able to meet people where they are, help them set a vision of where they want to be, and provide the guidance and accountability to support their success. We bring specialized knowledge of positive psychology, adult cognitive development, and respectful pragmatism to coaching work. We work especially well at senior levels, from understanding the burdens and ambiguities of senior leadership.

When organizations have let people go, it’s essential to recover the vision of the company and re-engage those who remain. We work with senior leadership to help them make work meaningful again after hard, dark times.

As successful organizations grow, they need to improve their processes, assess the human talent they have versus what they’ll need, align and optimize systems, even how they’re structured. We help clients grow more successful, rather than grow problems.

Unwanted turnover, low morale, ineffective / dysfunctional behaviors, stagnant growth or decline…, could indicate that leadership is an issue. We diagnose what’s really happening, then work with the leadership to grow the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes.

We have great questions in a process to help clients think of everything necessary to get off to a strong, strategically sound start.

Every customer contact is a “moment of truth” – when customers can be frustrated, disappointed, satisfied, or delighted. We work with organizations that want to get everyone engaged with keeping customers happy – and loyal!

Either individually or in small groups, we take client salespeople through a solid process to improve skills and attitudes to get better results.

We review current strategy, help you revise it to fit current conditions and likely futures.

A fresh set of eyes with quality tools, the right software, and very good questions gets people engaged. We help your people find ways to reduce waste, work smarter and better, save time and money, increase capacity without increasing cost, and create a culture of quality.