Improve Your Business Strategy

When clients need strategy help, Effective Learning for Growth brings a well-proven process to review how the current strategy is working, how widely it’s known within the organization, and what may need updating or rethinking. We help you diagnose where it needs attention.
We discuss the opportunities that revisiting strategy presents, and the consequences of sticking with the status quo. It’s very important to fully realize what’s at stake.
When the review is complete, we mutually decide whether and how to proceed. If the level of commitment to change is insufficient, or if the strategy is unlikely to work, no further actions will happen on the strategy.
If we proceed together, the senior management team of the organization has a day-long kickoff session to get everyone engaged and connected with what’s to come. Assignments for subsequent sessions get commitment from all involved, and there are research tasks for each member of the leadership team.
Through a series of short, intense meetings with plenty of follow-through and thinking between, all key areas of vision, direction, and strategy are addressed. The vision and direction flow to a meaningful, pragmatic strategy that’s revisited and distilled to what matters most, complete with timelines and clear goals.
For larger organizations, a phase 2 may involve coaching the leadership team as they engage the organization in aligning with the strategy.
The end point of this process is when there is a well-conceived, pragmatic, engaging strategy known well through the organization. When the organization knows and aligns on the strategy, and is engaged with the direction and meaning of it, and setting and achieving goals from the corporate to the individual level, the results are decisive.